Indiana Basic Driver Safety Program Course

  • 4 Hour Course
  • 4.6 20599 Reviews
  • $35.00

This 4-hour Indiana Driver Safety course will either work to fulfill your state-mandated requirements or will assist you in reducing driving points. The comprehensive course will cover the many challenges of driving, and how to better prepare yourself for the road in an interactive an engaging manner. Through a series of slides, videos, and review questions, this is course is sure to keep your interest while being informative and meeting the BMV requirements.

We'll go over everything from the basics of the program, to managing your vehicle, operating a vehicle under the influence and even Indiana specific traffic laws. Our top notch customer service team is available if you have any questions along the way. And, as usual, the course is 100% online, mobile friendly, and available anytime at your own pace.

Please call in to our customer service team if you would like to make a request for physical media.

  • Approved By: Indiana BMV

Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in to offer high quality education that helps you to avoid traffic violations and accidents.

Course Reviews

20599 Reviews