Texas 6 Hour Driver Safety Course
6 Hour Course
- 4.6 6180 Reviews
- $25.00
The 6 hour Driver Safety course for drivers in the state of Texas is intended to assist Texas drivers in reducing the number of points on their driving record, or in obtaining a higher level of driving skill. It is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and provides all the subjects required.
The subjects included are:
- The Course Introduction
- The Traffic Safety Problem in Texas
- Factors influencing Driver Performance
- Traffic laws and procedures
- Special Skills for Difficult Driving Environments
- Physical Forces that Influence Driver Control
- Perceptual Skill Needed for Driving
- Defensive Driving Strategies
- Driving Emergencies
- Occupant Restraints and Protective Equipment, and
- Alcohol and Traffic Safety
The course is divided into video and text segments with four quizzes, that are informative and instructive. Once a driver has completed the course, they will be provided with a Uniform Certificate of Course Completion for Driving Safety that they can then, in turn provide the court.
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At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in to offer high quality education that helps you to avoid traffic violations and accidents.